Pecha Kucha Series

Presented by the Australian Centre for Rare Arts & Forgotten Trades and the Australian Centre for Gold Rush Collections, this Pecha Kucha series is produced by thinkers and creatives, for thinkers and creatives.
With a carefully curated lineup of practitioners, researchers, creatives, and people who think deeply about interesting stuff, Pecha Kucha will leave you inspired.
Pecha Kucha, a Japanese term meaning "chit-chat," is a dynamic presentation format designed to inspire, engage, and inform. Each speaker is invited
to share their work and ideas in a concise and visually captivating manner. The format is simple yet impactful: 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide, for a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
Pecha Kucha is designed for sharing work and ideas, fostering collaboration and connecting like-minded people.
A cash bar will be available for drinks, and a grazing table will be provided.
2025 Pecha Kucha Series
Friday, 14 February: COLLECTIONS
Collections hold the key to uncovering insights that drive new creative and scholarly directions. This theme explores how artifacts, archives, and historical resources inform work—whether through inspiring artistic practices, guiding research paths, or innovating within trades.
Friday 23 May: INTANGIBLE
This theme delves into the skills, stories, and practices passed down through generations. It explores how non-physical traditions influence work, whether in revitalizing nearly lost trades or preserving oral histories and cultural practices that enrich and inspire contemporary creativity.
Friday 15 August: REVEAL
Reveal seeks to illuminate the hidden and unseen. It pulls back the curtain on the often under-appreciated processes behind practical and making trades, shedding light on craftsmanship and expertise. It also explores overlooked histories and highlights the essential work of contemporary researchers dedicated to reclaiming underrepresented voices.
Friday 14 November: COLLABORATION
Collaboration is a core value of Pecha Kucha, and we honour it each year by dedicating our final Pecha Kucha night to this theme. We aim to explore the diverse ways collaboration takes shape—showcasing different approaches and case studies across the creative and thinking sectors. This is an opportunity to highlight, celebrate, and learn from collaborations in our Ballarat community and beyond.
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